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Suffolk Kennel Association 2018 Critique

Junior (2,1)

1st: Shannon’s Erewhon Firefly. Lovely puppy bitch just 6 months of good dark coat and bone. Pretty head, dark eye, neat ears. Very good lay of shoulder. Nice deep chest for a puppy so young. Very shapely. Good bend of stifle and lovely low hocks. Neat feet. Couldn’t really assess movement as she was enjoying herself so much

Postgraduate (4,2)

1st: Shannon’s Erewhon Wanton Flame. Beautiful shapely 6 year old bitch with a good dark coat. Pretty feminine head. Strong neck and good lay of shoulder and adequate return of upper arm. Deep chest, good spring of rib. Strong loin. Good width accross hip, nice sloping croup, well angulated hindquarters. Very nice low hocks. Strode out well with powerful, true gait in profile and coming and going. BoB

2nd: Pink’s Greyhawks Romanie Chor. 18 month strong male. Crisp coat. Strong masculine head, tapering down to long nose. Neat ears. Very good width and lay shoulder. Excellent return of upper arm leading to strong forearm. Excellent well-knuckled feet. Good spring of rib, not quite the depth of chest of 1st at present. Wonderful wide hips and well muscled hindquarters, good bend of stifle and low hocks. Just didn’t have the steady movement of 1st. However, a very promising youngster who will be one to watch for the future. RboB

Open (5,4)

1st: Shannon’s Erewhon Celestial Fire. Mature male with a good masculine head, dark eye and neat ears. Strong neck. Would have like more angulation in the front and rear. Nice harsh coat. Good tail set, low hocks. Moved rather reluctantly

Kim Holt


Sept 7th 2018